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After School Kids Club Art Session Fall. 2022 Grp

Public·82 members

Colton Ward
Colton Ward


Players engage in urban and industrial planning of various levels of complexity. Players can choose to enable or disable heating and electricity requirements for buildings, fuel requirements for vehicles, and a complex educational system (parents cannot work without a school for young children). Construction is accomplished quickly via money or more realistically through the use of construction offices and acquired resources. Produced goods can be sold to the Warsaw Pact (generally) or the West, or put to use in the republic.[2][3]


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You have many options for how you will manage resources and goods transportation. If you get raw iron ore from a mine, you need to process it. Then you need to transport it somehow into a steel mill to produce steel. You can build the processing plant and steel mill near to the mine and transport it all by conveyors, or you can transport iron ore into a steel mill by train fora longer distance. It is up to you to decide from where the workers will go into the factories. You can create residential zones and transport workers by buses or trains to industrial areas. You can also build residential buildings near the factories so that workers will able to walk to the factory. But don't forget that a worker will need to purchase food and enjoy their free time, so again it is up to you to decide whether to build those facilities near their home or whether you will transport them somehow to shops or places to spend their free time.## ECONOMY SIMULATION

Steel: Requires coal extraction and processing to be profitable. Steel helps in construction later on, since its the most expensive type of good in construction. Cut down on extra costs by building an iron processing plant and buying the iron ore. Keep in mind that the steel mill can take 500 max. workers to fully work. Four coal processing plants and two iron processing plants are required to sustain a steel mill at max production.

III. Strengthen Alliances to DefeatGlobal Terrorism and Work to PreventAttacks Against Us and Our Friends“Just three days removed from these events, Americans do not yet havethe distance of history. But our responsibility to history is already clear:to answer these attacks and rid the world of evil.War has beenwaged against us by stealth and deceit and murder. This nation is peaceful,but fierce when stirred to anger. The conflict was begun on the timing and termsof others. It will end in a way, and at an hour, of our choosing.”President BushWashington, D.C. (The National Cathedral)September 14, 2001The United States of America is fightinga war against terrorists of global reach. Theenemy is not a single political regime or personor religion or ideology. The enemy is terrorism—premeditated, politically motivated violenceperpetrated against innocents.In many regions, legitimate grievances preventthe emergence of a lasting peace. Such grievancesdeserve to be, and must be, addressed within apolitical process. But no cause justifies terror. TheUnited States will make no concessions to terroristdemands and strike no deals with them.We makeno distinction between terrorists and those whoknowingly harbor or provide aid to them.The struggle against global terrorism is differentfrom any other war in our history. It will be foughton many fronts against a particularly elusiveenemy over an extended period of time. Progresswill come through the persistent accumulation ofsuccesses—some seen, some unseen.Today our enemies have seen the results ofwhat civilized nations can, and will, do againstregimes that harbor, support, and use terrorism toachieve their political goals. Afghanistan has beenliberated; coalition forces continue to hunt downthe Taliban and al-Qaida. But it is not only thisbattlefield on which we will engage terrorists.Thousands of trained terrorists remain at largewith cells in North America, South America,Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and across Asia.Our priority will be first to disrupt and destroyterrorist organizations of global reach and attacktheir leadership; command, control, and communications;material support; and finances. This willhave a disabling effect upon the terrorists’ abilityto plan and operate.We will continue to encourage our regionalpartners to take up a coordinated effort thatisolates the terrorists. Once the regional campaignlocalizes the threat to a particular state, we willhelp ensure the state has the military, law enforcement,political, and financial tools necessary tofinish the task.The United States will continue to work withour allies to disrupt the financing of terrorism.Wewill identify and block the sources of funding forterrorism, freeze the assets of terrorists and thosewho support them, deny terrorists access to theinternational financial system, protect legitimatecharities from being abused by terrorists, andprevent the movement of terrorists’ assets throughalternative financial networks.However, this campaign need not be sequentialto be effective, the cumulative effect across allregions will help achieve the results we seek.We will disrupt and destroy terroristorganizations by:direct and continuous action using all theelements of national and internationalpower. Our immediate focus will be thoseterrorist organizations of global reach andany terrorist or state sponsor of terrorismwhich attempts to gain or use weapons ofmass destruction (WMD) or their precursors;defending the United States, the Americanpeople, and our interests at home andabroad by identifying and destroying thethreat before it reaches our borders.Whilethe United States will constantly strive toenlist the support of the internationalcommunity, we will not hesitate to act alone,if necessary, to exercise our right of selfdefenseby acting preemptively against suchterrorists, to prevent them from doing harmagainst our people and our country; anddenying further sponsorship, support,and sanctuary to terrorists by convincingor compelling states to accept theirsovereign responsibilities.We will also wage a war of ideas to win the battleagainst international terrorism. This includes:using the full influence of the United States,and working closely with allies and friends,to make clear that all acts of terrorism areillegitimate so that terrorism will be viewedin the same light as slavery, piracy, orgenocide: behavior that no respectablegovernment can condone or support andall must oppose;supporting moderate and moderngovernment, especially in the Muslimworld, to ensure that the conditions andideologies that promote terrorism do notfind fertile ground in any nation;diminishing the underlying conditionsthat spawn terrorism by enlisting theinternational community to focus its effortsand resources on areas most at risk; andusing effective public diplomacy to promotethe free flow of information and ideas tokindle the hopes and aspirations of freedomof those in societies ruled by the sponsors ofglobal terrorism.While we recognize that our best defense is agood offense, we are also strengthening America’shomeland security to protect against and deter attack.This Administration has proposed the largestgovernment reorganization since the TrumanAdministration created the National SecurityCouncil and the Department of Defense. Centeredon a new Department of Homeland Security andincluding a new unified military command and afundamental reordering of the FBI, our comprehensiveplan to secure the homeland encompassesevery level of government and the cooperationof the public and the private sector.This strategy will turn adversity intoopportunity. For example, emergency managementsystems will be better able to cope not just withterrorism but with all hazards. Our medicalsystem will be strengthened to manage not justbioterror, but all infectious diseases andmass-casualty dangers. Our border controls willnot just stop terrorists, but improve the efficientmovement of legitimate traffic.While our focus is protecting America, weknow that to defeat terrorism in today’s globalizedworld we need support from our allies andfriends.Wherever possible, the United States willrely on regional organizations and state powers tomeet their obligations to fight terrorism. Wheregovernments find the fight against terrorismbeyond their capacities, we will match theirwillpower and their resources with whatever helpwe and our allies can provide.As we pursue the terrorists in Afghanistan,we will continue to work with internationalorganizations such as the United Nations, as wellas non-governmental organizations, and othercountries to provide the humanitarian, political,economic, and security assistance necessary torebuild Afghanistan so that it will never againabuse its people, threaten its neighbors, andprovide a haven for terrorists.In the war against global terrorism, we willnever forget that we are ultimately fighting for ourdemocratic values and way of life. Freedom andfear are at war, and there will be no quick or easyend to this conflict. In leading the campaignagainst terrorism, we are forging new, productiveinternational relationships and redefining existingones in ways that meet the challenges of thetwenty-first century.

  • IV. Work with others to Defuse Regional Conflicts"We build a world of justice, or we will live in a world of coercion.The magnitude of our shared responsibilities makes our disagreements look so small."President BushBerlin, GermanyMay 23, 2002Concerned nations must remain activelyengaged in critical regional disputes to avoidexplosive escalation and minimize humansuffering. In an increasingly interconnected world,regional crisis can strain our alliances, rekindlerivalries among the major powers, and createhorrifying affronts to human dignity.Whenviolence erupts and states falter, the United Stateswill work with friends and partners to alleviatesuffering and restore stability.No doctrine can anticipate every circumstancein which U.S. action—direct or indirect—iswarranted.We have finite political, economic, andmilitary resources to meet our global priorities.The United States will approach each case withthese strategic principles in mind:The United States should invest time andresources into building international relationshipsand institutions that can helpmanage local crises when they emerge.

  • The United States should be realistic aboutits ability to help those who are unwilling orunready to help themselves.Where andwhen people are ready to do their part, wewill be willing to move decisively.

  • The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is criticalbecause of the toll of human suffering, because ofAmerica’s close relationship with the state of Israeland key Arab states, and because of that region’simportance to other global priorities of the UnitedStates. There can be no peace for either sidewithout freedom for both sides. America standscommitted to an independent and democraticPalestine, living beside Israel in peace and security.Like all other people, Palestinians deserve agovernment that serves their interests and listensto their voices. The United States will continueto encourage all parties to step up to their responsibilitiesas we seek a just and comprehensivesettlement to the conflict.The United States, the international donorcommunity, and the World Bank stand ready towork with a reformed Palestinian government oneconomic development, increased humanitarianassistance, and a program to establish, finance,and monitor a truly independent judiciary. IfPalestinians embrace democracy, and the rule oflaw, confront corruption, and firmly reject terror,they can count on American support for thecreation of a Palestinian state.Israel also has a large stake in the success of ademocratic Palestine. Permanent occupationthreatens Israel’s identity and democracy. So theUnited States continues to challenge Israeli leadersto take concrete steps to support the emergence ofa viable, credible Palestinian state. As there isprogress towards security, Israel forces need towithdraw fully to positions they held prior toSeptember 28, 2000. And consistent with therecommendations of the Mitchell Committee,Israeli settlement activity in the occupied territoriesmust stop. As violence subsides, freedom ofmovement should be restored, permitting innocentPalestinians to resume work and normal life.The United States can play a crucial role but,ultimately, lasting peace can only come whenIsraelis and Palestinians resolve the issues and endthe conflict between them.In South Asia, the United States has alsoemphasized the need for India and Pakistan toresolve their disputes. This Administrationinvested time and resources building strongbilateral relations with India and Pakistan.These strong relations then gave us leverage toplay a constructive role when tensions in theregion became acute.With Pakistan, our bilateralrelations have been bolstered by Pakistan’s choiceto join the war against terror and move towardbuilding a more open and tolerant society. TheAdministration sees India’s potential to becomeone of the great democratic powers of the twentyfirstcentury and has worked hard to transformour relationship accordingly. Our involvement inthis regional dispute, building on earlier investmentsin bilateral relations, looks first to concretesteps by India and Pakistan that can help defusemilitary confrontation.Indonesia took courageous steps to create aworking democracy and respect for the rule of law.By tolerating ethnic minorities, respecting the ruleof law, and accepting open markets, Indonesia maybe able to employ the engine of opportunity thathas helped lift some of its neighbors out of povertyand desperation. It is the initiative by Indonesia thatallows U.S. assistance to make a difference.In the Western Hemisphere we have formedflexible coalitions with countries that share ourpriorities, particularly Mexico, Brazil, Canada,Chile, and Colombia. Together we will promote atruly democratic hemisphere where our integrationadvances security, prosperity, opportunity,and hope.We will work with regional institutions,such as the Summit of the Americas process, theOrganization of American States (OAS), and theDefense Ministerial of the Americas for the benefitof the entire hemisphere.Parts of Latin America confront regionalconflict, especially arising from the violence ofdrug cartels and their accomplices. This conflictand unrestrained narcotics trafficking couldimperil the health and security of the UnitedStates. Therefore we have developed an activestrategy to help the Andean nations adjust theireconomies, enforce their laws, defeat terroristorganizations, and cut off the supply of drugs,while—as important—we work to reduce thedemand for drugs in our own country.In Colombia, we recognize the link betweenterrorist and extremist groups that challenge thesecurity of the state and drug trafficking activitiesthat help finance the operations of such groups.We are working to help Colombia defend itsdemocratic institutions and defeat illegal armedgroups of both the left and right by extendingeffective sovereignty over the entire nationalterritory and provide basic security to theColombian people.In Africa, promise and opportunity sit side byside with disease, war, and desperate poverty. Thisthreatens both a core value of the United States—preserving human dignity—and our strategicpriority—combating global terror. Americaninterests and American principles, therefore, leadin the same direction: we will work with others foran African continent that lives in liberty, peace,and growing prosperity. Together with ourEuropean allies, we must help strengthen Africa’sfragile states, help build indigenous capability tosecure porous borders, and help build up the lawenforcement and intelligence infrastructure todeny havens for terrorists.An ever more lethal environment exists inAfrica as local civil wars spread beyond borders tocreate regional war zones. Forming coalitions ofthe willing and cooperative security arrangementsare key to confronting these emerging transnationalthreats.Africa’s great size and diversity requires asecurity strategy that focuses on bilateral engagementand builds coalitions of the willing. ThisAdministration will focus on three interlockingstrategies for the region:countries with major impact on theirneighborhood such as South Africa, Nigeria,Kenya, and Ethiopia are anchors for regionalengagement and require focused attention;

  • coordination with European allies andinternational institutions is essential forconstructive conflict mediation andsuccessful peace operations; and

  • Africa’s capable reforming states andsub-regional organizations must be strengthenedas the primary means to addresstransnational threats on a sustained basis.

Ultimately the path of political and economicfreedom presents the surest route to progress insub-Saharan Africa, where most wars are conflictsover material resources and political access oftentragically waged on the basis of ethnic andreligious difference. The transition to the AfricanUnion with its stated commitment to goodgovernance and a common responsibility fordemocratic political systems offers opportunitiesto strengthen democracy on the continent. 041b061a72


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